What We Do
Nutrition Coaching
As a nutrition coach, I encapsulate the individual’s entire lifestyle into the plan. I meet people where they are at, and from there, implement a strategy to help them meet their goals. There is no cookie-cutter plan, so each will have its own differences.
Whether the goal is fat loss, muscle gain or improving athletic performance, I help clients understand there will be learning curves as well as ups and downs along this journey. But we are always moving closer to the end goal.
Exercise Rehabilitation
Rehab is very different in my eyes. Yes, the pain must be addressed, but my job is to help fix the root cause of the pain. With all of our patients, I use a practice called dynamic neuromuscular stabilization (DNS) to help ensure everyone knows how to stabilize properly and use the power of breathwork to allow for safer and more controlled movements.
From breathing to movement assessment and correction, I can use a variation of practices to get people out of pain and back to doing the activities they love.
Personal Training
With our personal training, we use various approaches and movements and am not married to one single modality. Whether the goal is to build muscle, lose weight or increase athletic performance, we ensure that every client knows how to be in control of any and all movements. First we stabilize our bodies to move safely, then we focus on being efficient and effective. There is no one-size-fits-all plan, so every session is customized to the individual.
Many styles of training and movements will be used depending on the needed stimulus. We use a very different approach and technique, and are really able to connect with and help excel my clients’ progress.